April is fast approaching, which means it’s once again time to invite you to Bled, one of the most iconic Slovenian tourist attractions. Per tradition, the tournament will be held at hotel Astoria from 11 to 13 April. Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome.

Free water, fruit and snacks will be provided throughout the tournament.

All additional information can be found here:

BOOKING A ROOM IN ASTORIA: Please book your room by sending an email to Hotel Astoria (astoria@vgs-bled.si) with the subject »Go turnir/go tournament 2025«. Please state the date of the tournament and the type of room you would like to book.


Leto je naokoli in čas je, da se ponovno srečamo na Bledu. Turnir bo potekal med 11. in 13. aprilom na zdaj že tradicionalni lokaciji v hotelu Astoria. Vabljeni vsi: od izkušenih mojstrov do tistih, ki se šele spoznavate z gojem.

Igralcem bo ves čas turnirja na voljo brezplačno sadje, sladki prigrizki ter voda.

Vse dodatne informacije najdete v razpisu:

REZERVACIJA SOBE V ASTORIJI: Udeležence prosimo, da sami rezervirajo sobo tako, da pošljejo email na astoria@vgs-bled.si s pripisom »Go turnir 2025«. Napišite termin turnirja in kakšno sobo želite rezervirati.


Bled 2025

Contact hotel Astoria to confirm your reservation!

Da boste videli svojo prijavo na seznamu prijavljenih morate osvežiti spletno stran!

You will see your name in the list of registered players after you refresh the website!

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